Monday, March 5, 2012

The History of Ancient Africa in Geez Literature

The History of Ancient Africa in Geez Literature
               An excerpt  of an ancient Geez history book, which predates Herodotus, had been published lately. You may find it interesting. Here are some excerpts.

1.    Natural calamities and human destiny
Around 4800,according to Azebian history, (Christ is born in 5500) a great earth quake had shocked what we now refer as the Middle East. The famous cities of the ancient world Edomias, Zeblon, Tigris, Rebla in Fars, Sodom, Gomorah, Moab and Kades were destroyed. Sina, Koreb and Rama were submerged and buried in a newly created valley. The earth quake was so powerful it tore apart the continent and the Red Sea was formed. In the next 50 years the after effect of this natural calamities had been impacting Africa. Disaster and famine followed. The Emperor Denkez lost all his followers and he died a loner in 5157.

2.    Rakunda is renamed Alexandria in Egypt
Alexander conquered Mesir (Egypt)  and its capital city Rakuda. He renamed Rakuda after his name Alexandria. The African (Ethiopian) Emperor Wazeba moved to Nubia to fight with Alexander the Great and aimed to push the conquerors from Northern Africa.
Wazeba failed to nudge the great Alexander. Though weakened by the natural calamities Wazeba was still strong to reach an agreement with the young Alexander. The office of the Nubian Queen Hendeke the 12th who was under Wazeba the King of Kings was able to facilitate an agreement between Alexander and Wazeba. Wazeba agreed to recognize Northern Africa conquered by Alexander army. Alexander agreed not to push farther to Sudania including Aswan. Emperor Wazeba died in 5179. 

3.      Ghana is the great grandfather of Adama who is the grandfather of Kenaya and Kenaya is the great Grandfather of Ethiop
Africa is the land of Kush. It is the land of the black people the Ethiopians. Kush was a person who was blessed with many children. Saba was one of his sons who gave birth to Nuba  who gave birth to Ghana. Ghana is the grandfather of Nabid who gave birth to Adama. Adama is the grandfather of kenaya. Kenaya is the father of Melke Tsadik who is considered the father of all Kahns of God. Melke Tsadik is the father of Sina and the grandfather of Itel who was later named Ethiop.
During the era of the migration of people Ethiop's grandson moved south and they established their kingdom Mauritania.

4.            Tanzan was the Emperor of Africa/Ethiopia During the time of Henok of the Bible
The reign of Emperor Tanzan was the age of Henok of the Bible. During the reign of Tanzan the practice of what we now know as ''genetic engineering'' was practiced by the Negede Set who descended from heaven. The Book of Henok explains in detail the creation of two worlds by God. One of the World is earth and the other world was created as a dwelling place of the angels-the Negede Set. 
 Tanzan had 24 sons and daughters. There names were Sine, Gumzi, Gudri, Koonf, Kaffie, Gom, Kerai, Homa, Zeni, Samri, Yotor. The name of his daughters were Kasaki, Tika, Yoonina, Bilain, Sisheho, Chilga, Lihem, Saluta, Loza, Firat, Wolka, Chikna. Among his sons Homa was very tall and blue black.

5.            Emperor Niger son of Homa
Homa's son Ginger became Emperor of Africa. He took the name Niger when he was crowned Emperor of Africa/Ethiopia. Niger means fast walker or athletic. The other son of Homa became king and he called his kingdom Tanzan after the name of his grandfather.  Ethiops under Tanzan settled on the mountains and he built a town which he named Saba. He built a temple for God and called it Betel.
Ethiopis had fifty children from seven wives. Thirteen of them were made kings.

6.                Emperor Menelik the Second declared Sub Sahara Africa as Ethiopia's territory
During the scramble for Africa Menelik the Second declared all Sub Sahara Africa as his territory and wrote the European emperors not to venture to his territory. He must have read this ancient book. He did not succeed to stop the colonization of the continent but his ideas seemed consistent with this ancient book I read lately.

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